23th Gamow International Astronomical Conference

XXIII Gamow International Astronomical Conference

“Astronomy and beyond: Astrophysics, Cosmology and Gravitation, Astroparticle Physics, Radioastronomy, Astrobiology and Genetics”

21-25 August, 2023, Odesa, Ukraine

The XXIIIrd Gamow International Astronomical Conference is devoted to:

  • the 155th anniversary of Prof. K.D. Pokrovsky (Director of the Astronomical Observatory of Odessa I.I. Mechnikov State University from 1934 to 1944);
  • the 380th anniversary of Isaak Newton;
  • the 550th anniversary of Nicolaus Copernicus;
  • the 85-th anniversary of Prof. N.S. Komarov;
  • the memory of Academician V.M. Shulga, the chair of SOC of the Gamow conferences from 2012 to 2022.


  1. Cosmology, gravitation, astroparticle physics, high energy physics.
  2. Astrophysics
    • Subsection: Astroinformatics
  3. Radio astronomy
  4. Sun, Solar activity, Solar-terrestrial relations and Astrobiology
  5. Solar system and space environment
  6. Biologic section “Gamow’s ideas in 21st century biology”
  7. Astronomical education and Planetariums in Ukraine
    • Subsection: Astronomical Education and Astronomy Outreach
    • Subsection: Planetariums in Ukraine

George Gamow

Dear participants of the 23rd Gamow Conference (2023),

The organizing committee of the conference thanks you for your active participation in its work. Without your participation, our conference could not have taken place.

The conference page (https://gamow.odessa.ua/) contains the final Program, which includes all the presentations, and the Collection of Abstracts.

In the near future, the conference page will also feature presentations of the Plenary session reports and information on access to video recordings of all meetings of this year’s conference.

We invite conference participants to submit their papers to the Odessa Astronomical Publication (http://oap.onu.edu.ua/). The deadline for submitting articles is October 15, 2023 (inclusive). The peer-reviewed scientific papers will be published in Volume 36 of the OAP, scheduled for release this December. Style files can be downloaded from:
(all drawings must be sent separately as graphics files!)

Scientific publications in the ОАР should be sent to: okioao26 [AT] gmail.com.

Articles related to space science can also be published in the peer-reviewed journal “Space Science and Technology” of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (issues 5 and 6 for 2023). The journal is indexed in the Scopus and Web of Sciences databases (http://space-scitechjournal.org.ua).

Organizing committee

Files for download:

Conference video overview can be found here.

XXI-th conference group photo, Odessa, 2021.

Contact us if you have any questions.