Overview ’15

Scientific Oranizing Commitee

Co-chairs of SOC:

G.S.Bisnovatyi-Kogan (SRI RAS, Moscow, Russia, gkogan@iki.rssi.ru)

V.M.Shulga (IRA NASU, Kharkov, Ukraine, shulga@rian.kharkov.ua)


A.I.Zhuk (AO ONU, Odessa, Ukraine,  ai_zhuk2@rambler.ru)

M.I. Ryabov (IRA NASU, Odessa, Ukraine, ryabov-uran@ukr.net)


S.M. Melikyants (AO ONU, Odessa, Ukraine, seda-melik@yandex.ru)

Members of SOC:

S.M.Andrievsky (ONU, Odessa), I.L.Andronov (ONMU, Odessa), N.G.Bochkarev (SAI MSU, Moscow), S.Chakrabarti (S.N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences, Kolkata, India), P.Chardonnet (Universit de Savoie, Annecy-le-Vieux Cedex, France), A.M.Cherepashchuk (SAI MSU, Moscow), A.D.Chernin (SAI MSU, Moscow), F.A.Danevich (INR, Kiev), L.L. Jenkovszky (ITP, Kiev), A.A.Konovalenko (IRA NASU, Kharkov), A.Kosovichev (Stanford University, USA),V.N.Melnikov (President of RGS, Moscow), V.N.Obridko (IZMIRAN, Moscow),  N.A. Russakovich  (JINR, Dubna), S.Silich (INAOE, Puebla, Mexico), N.M.Shumeiko (NC PHEP BSU, Minsk), A.A.Starobinsky (L. D. Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics, Moscow),  A.V.Stepanov ( Pulkovo observatory RAN,  Saint-Petersburg), Y.S.Yatskiv ( President of UAA,  Kiev)

Local Organizing Committee

I.N.Koval  (Rector of ONU) Chair

M.I. Ryabov Vice-Chair

A.A Pilipenko Secretary

Members of LOC:

M.D.Brilenkov, R.D.Brilenkov, A.Yu.Burgazli, A.V.Chopovsky, A.Donskih, N.V.Ivanenko, T.I.Kabanova, N.I.Koshkin, S.O.Korzhavin, A.V.Kudinova,  S.M.Melikyants, B.A.Murnikov, V.P.Olyeynik, S.L.Strakhova, A.L.Sukharev, V.V.Troianskyi, V.O.Yushenko

Conference Events

I announcement 15-02-2015
Preliminary registration 30-04-2015
II announcement 15-05-2015
III announcement 15-07-2015
Final registration 15-06-2015
Abstract submission 15-06-2015
Arrival day 16-08-2015
Begin of the conference 17-08-2015
Last working day
and conference closing
XII-th Congress of UAA
and excursion day
Day of departure 23-08-2015

Cultural Events

  • Excursion on evening Odessa
  • Visit the world famous Odessa Opera and Ballet Theater and Philharmonic Hall
  • Cognac tasting in Odessa Shustov Cognac Winery Museum and wine tasting at the Institute of Wine and brandy named Tairov
  • A boat trip on the sea in August 22 (if we will have a sufficient number of participants)